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Parkinson’s Genetics: from observation to disease modification

Aufzien Family Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (APPD) is happy to invite you to a conference on Parkinson’s Genetics: from observation to disease modification

The Steinhardt Natural History Museum, Tel Aviv University
November 16, 2023

Confirmed international speakers

Christine Klein
University of Luebeck,

Ellen Sidransky
National Institutes of Health,

Andrew Singleton
National Institute on Aging,


Confirmed local speakers

Roy Alcalay
Tel Aviv Medical Center

David Arkadir
Hadassah Medical Center

Anthony Futerman
Weizmann Institute of Science

Orly Goldstein
Tel Aviv Medical Center

Mia Horowitz
Tel Aviv University

Avner Thaler
Tel Aviv Medical Center

Avi Orr Urtreger
Tel Aviv Medical Center


Abstract submission (poster and oral) deadline September 14, 2023

Outstanding abstracts will be selected for oral presentation


Organizing committee:

Roy Alcalay | Mia Horowitz | Noam Shomron | Keren Shatzman | Rinat Zaslavsky | Nir Giladi


For questions, contact Rinat Zaslavsky,